About Us

Founded by Rodika Goreea, GOREEA is a women’s ready to wear fashion brand. Strong, bold and feminine designs with a sophisticated yet playful silhouettes that reflect European and Canadian style. Goreea believes in women’s intelligence, independence, strength, and that reflects into its clothing. All manufactured in Vancouver, GOREEA portrays a smart ethical and sustainable side of fashion. The diverse textures, colors, and fabric manipulations make each piece of this brand unique and interesting.
As a brand, our mission is to provide our customer with quality, innovative design, contemporary functionality, captivating visual effects, art, a feminine look, and the spirit of adventure. As a woman, my mission is to remind women how special and beautiful they are. As human beings, our mission is to create slow fashion and to be conscious when creating garments, to respect the labour and our planet.

Rodika's journey in fashion began when she was a child. She would have dreams with fancy dresses and in the morning she would sketch them and create new designs. It was a sign that she was meant to be a fashion designer. Rodika was always asking for fabric scraps from an atelier in her hometown village in Moldova. But life happens and she chose another path in her life. She came back to fashion when she was 28 years old. She took sewing, pattern drafting and design classes. Rodika continued to chase her dreams, moved to Vancouver and enrolled in a Fashion Design College. Her first attempt to start a Fashion Brand back in her country was in 2014 and a few months later she moved to Canada. After taking a break, she relaunched Goreea (in Canada) in June 2018. One year later, she had to pause her brand again for one year. She got back to her dream in 2020 because she will never give up.